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# Title Analytical Tools Format Tags Topics Historical Period Location
1 -Overview of the Search: loa-war Levels of Analysis Planning - Case Teaching loa-war security, causes of war 1800s, 1900s, contemporary global
Summary: This overview is a specialized table of contents to assist review of database materials for lesson planning. In outreach to local high schools, USC student volunteers in the Teaching International Relations Program (TIRP) are equipped to teach analytical tools using cases and activities for decision-making and problem-solving. Because the database serves a variety of projects, custom tags will select limited collections designated for TIRP topics. Guides for selected items will point to further database resources.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0640g.docx  | 0640g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 640
2 Causes of War: Basic Factors Levels of Analysis Standard Reference loa-war security, causes of war contemporary United States
Summary: A standard reference that specifies factors at each ?levels of analysis?. To defend which level of factors may be a root cause or the trigger cause of a war or policy decsion, as many factors as possible should be identified and accounted for in the analysis.
Handout: 0407.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0407g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 407
3 Iraq War, 2003: A root cause or convergence? Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war, fopo-basic security, causes of war, foreign policy, pre-emptive strike, pre-emptive war vs. preventive war contemporary United States, Iraq, Middle East
Summary: 3-step activity: How can you determine and defend your opinion about the primary reasons for the US invasion of Iraq? Includes the US invasion as a turning point in US foreign policy with the Bush Doctrine of Pre-emption. Begins with a list of factors and statements that students assign to different levels of analysis. Factors are then placed in an analytical frame for levels. In groups, students represent each level to make a case for how factors at that level were the primary cause for the US invasion. Note: students should first be introduced to the levels tool before using this activity.
Handout: 0446.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0446g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 446
4 Mexican-American War, 1846-1848 Levels of Analysis Case Reading - Other loa-war security, causes of war 19th century, 1800s United States, Mexico
Summary: Students apply the "levels of analysis" analytical tool as they read a textbook passage. Reading a passage becomes an "analytical exercise" using a social science tool that supports critical thinking and problem-solving.
Handout: 0408.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0408g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 408
5 Muhammad Ali: Boxer & Activist Levels of Analysis Case Reading - News & Editorials loa-war security, levels of analysis, civic duty, military draft, conscription, heroes contemporary, Vietnam War United States
Summary: Background on Muhammad Ali (photos of stages in life) build toward an editorial from The Huffington Post (2016): Muhammad Ali Risked It All When He Opposed The Vietnam War. Includes overhead of questions to take a poll of the class about the current all-volunteer army and whether the draft should include females. Main ideas for debrief: Ali?s decision to refuse the draft is a critically important reminder of our personal role in foreign policy: When should ?we, as a nation? use military force? When should ?we? declare war? Was Ali?s refusal of the draft an act of patriotism?
Handout: 0914.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0914g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 914
6 Name that Tune! Distinguish Levels of Analysis in US Foreign Policy Making Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war, fopo-basic security, foreign policy, preemption, terrorism, regime change contemporary United States, Iran, Iraq, North Korea
Summary: An introductory activity for students to practice distinguishing the three levels of analysis while also identifying many kinds of variables at each level. Intended as a short warm-up before using the tool with other activities and cases. See "axis of evil" for a follow-up activity using DEPP with the same three countries in this intro -- Iran, Iraq, North Korea -- identified by President George Bush in the War of Terror.
Handout: 0213.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0213g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 213
7 NPR: Iraq's Sectarian Divide Deepens Amid Syrian Conflict Continuum - Identity Case Reading - News & Editorials identity-sec, equal-rts, loa-war security, identity, religion, social media, balance of power, regional cold war contemporary Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran
Summary: Report discusses role of social media: "Once the darling of the Arab uprisings, a place where long-oppressed people were finally free to speak out, sites like Facebook and Twitter are now a place for sectarian hatred." Makes a reference to classic allegory, Plato's den of shadows: "...Plato's Digital Cave, a place where people see shadows, not reality ...these false shadows can be dangerous." Includes custom handout using CIA World Factbook data on religious, ethnic, and language diversity of the four countries named in the report and then provides custom map for Mapping Identity & Leadership.
Source: NPR copyright 2013. Kelly McEvers, 07-24-2013. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2013. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0090.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0090g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 90
8 NYT: 'A Knife to the Throat': Putin's Logic for Invading Ukraine Ethical Principles & Paradigms Case Reading - News & Editorials loa-war security, ethics, just war theory, causes of war, balance of power, alliances, preemption contemporary Russia, Ukraine
Summary: Transcript of NYT's podcast The Daily discusses Putin's motivations for invading Ukraine, focusing on his fears about the country joining NATO. Case questions discuss Putin's personal interests as well as the national interests of Russia, and just war theory is used to raise normative questions about war.
Source: New York Times podcast adapted by USC CALIS for case teaching with analytical tools, 2022. Case lesson developed by Aren Wright, CALIS staff, USC Class of 2025 majoring in International Relations; Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Media and Politics
Handout: .doc  | 1010.docx  | 1010.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |1010g.docx  | 1010g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 1010
9 NYT: Answers to 4 Crucial Questions About North Korea Levels of Analysis Case Reading - News & Editorials loa-war security, nuclear weapons, foreign policy, brinkmanship 21st century, 2000s North Korea, United States
Summary: Article provides the opportunity to identify levels of analysis. Given 4 critical questions about North Korea's nuclear status and dynamics with the Trump administration, which level presents the greatest risk?
Source: New York Times, 08-09-2017. USC CALIS case-customized article for classroom use only. Case developed by Markus Sherman, CALIS Program Coordinator, USC Class of 2020
Handout: 0907.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0907g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 907
10 Spanish-American War, 1898 Levels of Analysis Case Reading - Other loa-war security, causes of war 19th Century, 1800s United States, Spain, Cuba, Phillippines
Summary: Students apply the "levels of analysis" analytical tool as they read a textbook passage. Reading a passage becomes an "analytical exercise" using a social science tool that supports critical thinking and problem-solving.
Handout: 0385.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0385g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 385
11 Three Eras Compared: Our Evolving Historical Context Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war, change-sec security, causes of war, foreign policy comparative: 1800s, 1900s, 2000s United States
Summary: Compare three eras: Age of Imperialism, Cold War Era, and a New World Order. Students use levels of analysis to describe the historical context of each period and then evaluate: What is significantly different and what is essentially the same about causes of war over time? Suggested cases for each era -- Spanish-American War, Vietnam War, and Iraq War -- have exercises on this database to prepare specific examples for comparison. Systematically addresses continuity and change, linking past to present, and determining lessons of history.
Handout: 0400.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0400g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 400
12 Three US 19th Century Wars - Case Comparisons Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war security, causes of war, foreign policy 19th century, 1800s United States
Summary: Compares three US wars during the 1800s: War of 1812, Mexican-American War, and Spanish-American War. Students use levels of analysis to identify and organize factors involved in causing each war and then evaluate: Was any one factor or level of factors significantly similar across all three cases? How are they distinct from each other? Each war has a "levels exercise" on this database to prepare for this comparative analysis.
Handout: 0411.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0411g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 411
13 Vietnam War Levels of Analysis Case Reading - Other loa-war security, causes of war, foreign policy 20th century, Cold War Era Vietnam, France, United States
Summary: Textbook passage for students to apply levels of analysis to the United States' early involvement in the Vietnam War. Pilot reading for TIRP team, Fall 2016.
Handout: 0872.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0872g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 872
14 Vox: Putin's War on Ukraine, Explained Levels of Analysis Case Reading - News & Editorials loa-war security, causes of war, balance of power, alliances, national identity, sovereignty contemporary Russia, Ukraine
Summary: Transcript of Vox video traces history of security issues between Russia and Europe, and the growth of NATO to examine Putin's rationale for the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Case questions focus on sovereignty and levels of analysis.
Source: Vox video adapted by USC CALIS for case teaching with analytical tools, 2022. Case lesson developed by Aren Wright, CALIS staff, USC Class of 2025 majoring in International Relations; Latin American and Iberian Cultures, Media and Politics
Handout: .doc  | 1009.docx  | 1009.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |1009g.docx  | 1009g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 1009
15 War of 1812 - Example 2: specify factors Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war security, causes of war 19th century, 1800s United States, United Kingdom
Summary: This activity builds from Example 1. Once students have identified key information as "factors" across three different levels of analysis, they can then determine the general types of factors that are in play. Students label each factor using a reference list of "basic factors".
Handout: 0406.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0406g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 406
16 World Order Models Concept Map Think-Pair-Share change-sec, loa-war governance, globalization, power distribution, balance of power, non-state actors contemporary, Cold War vs. Post Cold War global
Summary: Activity offers different illustrations of "world order" -- the global distribution of power -- and asks students to design a new world order. Models include: uni-polar, bi-polar, multi-polar, regionalism, and world law. Follow-up looks at non-state actors. Debrief questions include: Which world order can provide the greatest stability and order? Recommended for use with "levels of analysis" series in order for students to further explore the third level: international or systemic conditions.
Source: USC CALIS - Formerly as the Center for Public Education in International Affairs
Handout: 0009.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0009g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 9
17 World War I Levels of Analysis Case Reading - Other loa-war security, causes of war Early 20th Century, 1900s United States
Summary: Students apply the "levels of analysis" analytical tool as they read a textbook passage. Reading a passage becomes an "analytical exercise" using a social science tool that supports critical thinking and problem-solving.
Handout: 0417.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0417g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 417
18 World War II - levels of analysis - inference exercise Levels of Analysis Case Reading - Other loa-war security, causes of war Early 20th Century, 1900s United States
Summary: Using an extended textbook passage, students determine (infer) which levels of analysis and factors are in play for highlighted statements. Students indicate the key words that connect to a factor and explain the connection. The guide provides sample responses. This exercise is available with a modification using separate statements.
Source: USC CALIS. Inference exercises use analytical tools to support "active reading". In the language of Common Core State Standards, this is a Close Reading strategy.
Handout: 0418.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0418g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 418
19 World War II - levels of analysis - inference exercise (modified) Levels of Analysis Think-Pair-Share loa-war, appeasement, 10.8 security, causes of war Early 20th Century, 1900s United States
Summary: Using statements from a textbook, students determine (infer) which levels of analysis and factors are in play. Students indicate the key words that connect to a factor and explain the connection. The guide provides sample responses. This is a modification using separate statements. Another version of the same textbook content is used as a single passage.
Source: USC CALIS. Inference exercises use analytical tools to support "active reading". In the language of Common Core State Standards, this is a Close Reading strategy.
Handout: 0419.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0419g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 419