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# Title Analytical Tools Format Tags Topics Historical Period Location
1 -Overview of the Search: gvnc-basic Concept Map Planning - Case Teaching gvnc-basic governance, functions of government, nation building, state formation contemporary n/a
Summary: This overview is a specialized table of contents to assist review of database materials for lesson planning. In outreach to local high schools, USC student volunteers in the Teaching International Relations Program (TIRP) are equipped to teach analytical tools using cases and activities for decision-making and problem-solving. Because the database serves a variety of projects, custom tags will select limited collections designated for TIRP topics. Guides for selected items will point to further database resources.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0548g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 548
2 Comparing Measures of Development: what do the numbers tell us? development, governance, corruption, transparency New Millennium (2000-present) Cuba, India, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, Sweden, United States
Summary: Continuums are set up to compare statistics visually for the Human Development Index (HDI), the Economic Freedom Index (EFI), the Corruption Perception Index (CPI), and the Gini Index. Students are asked: What relationships do you see from statistics given for sample countries? What questions arise from comparing measures?
Source: USC CALIS. For related materials, search: gvnc-basic, applied-math
Handout: 0272.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0272g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 272
3 Democracy Index: Defining & Measuring an Ideal Continuum - Other Think-Pair-Share my-democracy, gvnc-basic, equal-rts, applied-math democracy, participation, compulsory voting contemporary United States compared to multiple countries
Summary: Worksheet activity to examine five criteria used to determine the Democracy Index. Students estimate scores earned by the United States and four other countries. A variety of countries are displayed along a continuum to illustrate how scores are grouped in four categories: full, flawed or hybrid democracies to authoritarian regimes. After using handouts, the ppt provides a comparison of index scores from 2006 to 2017 that show a decline in democracy in many countries. Includes commentary from a John Oliver episode of Last Week Tonight on authoritarianism that emphasizes the importance of democratic institutions (institutional infrastructure vs. physical infrastructure) and the threat of illiberal democracy. Intended for use with activities that explore "Is American democracy waxing or waning?"
Handout: 0663.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0663g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: democracy_authoritarianism.pptx
ID: 663
4 Democracy: tracing the path - defining stages of an ideal Continuum - Other Think-Pair-Share my-democracy, gvnc-basic, equal-rts, 4wh-us8, 4wh-us11 governance, nation building, democracy, power, human rights ancient to contemporary United States
Summary: Handout provides a continuum that stretches from an authoritarian to a democratic system to illustrate movement toward the ideal of democracy. Compares the birth of democracy in Greek, Roman, and American history to distinguish the breadth of issues dealing with equal power and equal treatment. Questions are layered to clarify how we define democracy and think of power. The continuum and content are used to establish a frame and criteria to examine: Is American democracy waxing or waning? Supports California content standards: 8.1, 8.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.1, 12.1
Handout: 0646.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0646g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 646
5 Democratization: what are the issues and what is the process? Concept Map Standard Reference gvnc-basic governance, democratization, nation-building, state formation, functions of government, rule of law contemporary new and transition states
Summary: This concept map outlines numerous specific issues of democratization including nation-building, types of new states, paths to consolidation, and international support. For the High School Leadership Conference (HSLC 2006) negotiation simulation, students are asked to relate the concept map to the case reading by Thomas Mowle, The Politics of Iraqi Democratization. These materials enable students to apply and clarify challenges in a specific case.
Handout: 0255.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0255g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 255
6 Economist: Spread the Wealth—Africa’s natural resources Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials 4w of stability, gvnc-basic governance, development, institutional infrastructure, rule of law, paradox of plenty contemporary Angola, Africa
Summary: "Africa suffers from the resource curse, which blights countries nature made rich. Corrupt states become more powerful because revenues from natural resources flow straight to them." Questions include: Once you have transparency, what is the critical next step? Part of HSLC 2011: Failed States.
Source: Economist, 2011 - Customized to case teaching format by USC CALIS, 2011. Launched as support material for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: .doc  | 0604.docx  | 0604.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0604g.docx  | 0604g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 604
7 Four Worlds of Stability: Factoring is Analyzing Four Worlds (4W) Think-Pair-Share 4w intro, 4w-factors, 4ir, gvnc-basic nation building, failed states, fragile states contemporary global
Summary: 4W of stability -a ranking exercise to examine factors that create and maintain stability in society. Uses a jigsaw where World Leader groups first rank five factors for their assigned world. Then leaders form 4W teams to select and rank five factors across Four Worlds. Part 2 applies the factors to destabilizing events in the news. Part 3 clarifies the purpose of social science factors: identify and relate factors, determine cause & effect, or make a claim about the most important factor --all are skills in "the science of the social sciences". Provides illustration of "the math analogy" --How factoring in math is a similar process to factoring in social science. Closes with an overview of factors in 4W of globalization.
Handout: .doc  | 0556.docx  | 0556.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_factoring_stability.pptx
ID: 556
8 Infrastructure & the Loop Concept Map Think-Pair-Share gvnc-basic governance, development, economics contemporary n/a
Summary: Handout that maps elements of infrastructure and the role of government. Second handout explores relationship between government, the economy, and consumers/ tax payers. Worksheets to be used in conjunction with other materials regarding taxes, developing countries, economic sector. (Part of HSLC 2011: Failed States)
Handout: 0028.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0028g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 28
9 Nation Building: Functions of Government & Good Governance Concept Map Planning - Case Teaching gvnc-basic, ipe-basic, 4w of stability governance, role of government, economics, nation building, development contemporary United States
Summary: Reference chart that distinguishes three functions of government in the process of nation building and then lists the elements of good governance. Intended for applications related to failed states or fragile states; role of government in economic development; democratization and rule of law; role of corruption, transparency, and accountability; role of government with regard to human rights and equity. Part of HSLC 2011: Failed States.
Handout: .doc  | 0263.docx  | 0263.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0263g.docx  | 0263g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 263
10 NPR: A 'New Breed' of Leader? Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic governance, authoritarianism, democracy, democratization contemporary Russia, Pakistan, Zimbabwe
Summary: Report discusses "a new brand of political leaders called new authoritarians" -- "they're not setting up personal dictatorships or one-party states or purely military regimes. These are people whose goal is to preserve their rule or strengthen their power." Extension questions are linked to the Democracy Index.
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Madeleine Brand, 12-03-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as pilot materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0357.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0357g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 357
11 NPR: Ban Thwarts 'Year of the Pig' Ads in China Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic, identity-sec culture, identity, social order, minority rights contemporary China
Summary: Thesis: China?s ban on pig images for the Year of the Pig illustrates complexity of its role as ?an arbiter of harmony.? Includes a 4W analysis: How should society show respect for diversity and identity, especially in the media?
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Louisa Lim, 02-06-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as pilot materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0305.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0305g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 305
12 NPR: China leaders to release new economic blueprint Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic governance, political economy, good governance contemporary China
Summary: Report juxtaposes the goal of humane development vs the push for raw economic growth, and the disconnect of economic goals and political actions. Includes a customized worksheet to apply functions of government and good governance. Part of HSLC 2009: Capitalism Reconsidered.
Source: NPR copyright 2005. Anthony Kuhn, 11-11-2005. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2006. Launched with NPR permission as pilot materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0269.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0269g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 269
13 NPR: Execution in China Highlights Rash of Scandals Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic, #ruleoflaw public corruption, cruel and unusual punishment, human rights contemporary China
Summary: China?s FDA chief, convicted of bribery, was executed as part of government attempts to respond to crises in public safety and reassure domestic and foreign consumers Report includes: "China's people may not be demanding direct elections yet. But analysts say that all these crises are prompting them to demand that the government protect their rights as consumers and taxpayers."
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Anthony Kuhn, 07-10-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0330.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0330g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 330
14 NPR: Out of a Nigerian Slum, a Poet Is Born Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic, #ruleoflaw development, governance, rule of law, democratization, human rights, poverty contemporary Nigeria
Summary: Thesis: Despite the fact that Nigeria is Africa's top petroleum exporter, the nation is a sprawling slum -- "one big jungle city" as described by poet and activist Dagga Tolar. Used to examine the Paradox of Plenty (HSLC 2005). Guide points to multiple concept maps.
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, 06-26-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: .doc  | 0327.docx  | 0327.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0327g.docx  | 0327g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 327
15 NPR: Trump Administration Plans To Defang Consumer Protection Watchdog Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic, #ruleoflaw role of government, corruption, consumer protection, access to credit contemporary United States
Summary: Report on a controversial decision by Mick Mulvaney, head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to "pull the plug" on a lawsuit against Golden Valley Lending for illegally charging people up to 950 percent interest rates for payday loans. 4W analysis examines role of government and functions of government. Is this a case of weak rule of law?
Source: NPR copyright 2018. Chris Arnold, 02-12-2018. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2018. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0915.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0915g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 915
16 NPR: Venezuela's Chavez Narrowly Loses Constitutional Reform Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gvnc-basic governance, development, democracy, democratization, authoritarianism contemporary Venezuela, Latin America
Summary: Report discusses Hugo Chavez, his popularity vs. the referendum victory of the opposition party. Intended for use with NPR report - A 'New Breed' of Leader? - regarding 'new authoritarians'. Guide points to application of several frames for analysis.
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Julie McCarthy, 12-03-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as pilot materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0358.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0358g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 358
17 Rule of Law: exploring the link between political and economic development Continuum - Other Standard Reference gvnc-basic governance, rule of law, corruption contemporary United States, global
Summary: A continuum juxtaposes the conditions of more rule of law versus less rule of law. Identifies 4W factors in contrasting specific criteria including accountability, transparency, enforcement, recourse
Handout: 0318.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0318g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 318