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# Title Analytical Tools Format Tags Topics Historical Period Location
1 -Overview of the Search: gcp-set Four Worlds (4W) Planning - Case Teaching gcp-set climate change, environment, governance contemporary global
Summary: This overview is a specialized table of contents to assist review of database materials for lesson planning. In outreach to local high schools, USC student volunteers in the Teaching International Relations Program (TIRP) are equipped to teach analytical tools using cases and activities for decision-making and problem-solving. Because the database serves a variety of projects, custom tags will select limited collections designated for TIRP topics. Guides for selected items will point to further database resources.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0835g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 835
2 Akon Lighting Africa: a shining example of leapfrog development Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, climate change, market solutions contemporary Africa
Summary: Analytical exercise presents two short postings from news sources and two short videos on Akon Lighting Africa, a solar energy project. Students use the resources to identify the impact of solar power as a Four Worlds (4W) analysis.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0836.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0836g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 836
3 Anthropocene epoch: scientists declare dawn of human-influenced age Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, climate science contemporary, the geologic time scale global
Summary: "Experts say human impact on Earth so profound that Holocene must give way to epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken." Article explains and discusses the decision to declare the Anthropocene epoch. Intended for use with "Integrated Systems: Earth and the Age of Humans" that applies a 4W analysis.
Source: The Guardian, 2016. USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0903.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0903g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 903
4 Bloomberg: Big Oil's 'Grass-Roots' Groups in California Continuum - Other Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, climate change, information sourcing, interest groups contemporary United States, California
Summary: Article asserts that "oil companies are quietly working to make it look like Californians are spontaneously rising up in protest against the climate standards." Oil industry asserts that a hidden gas tax will make gas prices too high a burden for those "already struggling to get by." This article is intended to complement materials that define the carbon-combustion complex.
Source: Bloomberg Business, Ben Elgin -- Sept 4, 2014. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0828.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0828g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 828
5 C-ROADS World Climate Simulation n/a Role Play / Simulation gcp-set climate change, role of science, international negotiation contemporary global
Summary: The World Climate Exercise is a mock-UN game that simulates international climate negotiations. Through the simulation, participants get to explore the necessary speed and level of action that nations must take to address global climate change. At the heart of the experience is the use of the interactive computer model C-ROADS, which is used to rapidly analyze the results of the game play.
Source: Climate Interactive -- adapted by USC CALIS
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | 0773.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0773g.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 773
6 Climate Action: How much is enough? - Part 1 n/a Case Reading - Primary Sources gcp-set environment, governance, climate change contemporary United States, California
Summary: Analytical exercise provides information from a university professor, government site, and lobbying group. California is a leading state for environmental protection, but is it doing enough? For students: What do you need to know in order to determine a level of action that is reasonable? How does this information help you make a decision? What further information do you need? This activity is intended to complement materials that define the carbon-combustion complex.
Source: Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0829.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0829g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 829
7 Climate Action: Scope & Scale n/a Other Formats gcp-set environment, sustainability, climate change contemporary global
Summary: "Infographics" (concept maps) illustrate scope and scale -- one for mitigation and one for adaptation. Scope: How many policy areas to address with how many options, variables, priorities? Scale: How much can and should each policy option be scaled up? Includes pace (rate matters): How fast do we need to act? And that joint action matters: How unified must we be internationally? Follows with data for students to relate the level of transition needed from fossil fuels to clean energy.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0881.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0881g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 881
8 Climate Change: Basic Terms & Scope Concept Map Think-Pair-Share gcp-set environment, governance, climate change contemporary global
Summary: Introductory brainstorm activity to assess what students already know about causes, effects, and responses. Includes examples of terms and examples of mitigation and adaptation.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0837.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0837g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 837
9 CNN: Hooray for the Paris climate agreement! Now what? n/a Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set governance, climate change, environment contemporary global, multiple countries are specified
Summary: Editorial recommends five "concrete actions" that are needed to realize the "grand ambitions" of COP21, the 2015 Paris climate agreement. Includes World Bank map and chart with countries, regions, provinces and cities that have "carbon pricing instruments".
Source: CNN -- Developed for High School Case Teaching by USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0850.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0850g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 850
10 Elon Musk in Paris: A carbon tax is Economics 101 Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - Primary Sources gcp-set climate change, environment, subsidy, externality, carbon pricing contemporary global
Summary: Excerpt from Elon Musk's session during COP21, the international climate talks in Paris in December 2015. Musk outlines reasons for a carbon tax. Includes questions and 4W frame to examine "basic relationships between government and the market" that are central to understanding policy options to address climate change.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0848.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0848g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 848
11 From the labs: Six geoengineering ideas n/a Think-Pair-Share gcp-set environment, climate change, geoengineering contemporary global
Summary: Article from the Boston Globe summaries six geo-engineering schemes. Questions include determining the most dangerous (identifying risks) and which one could be recommended. Also includes a summary chart from the Royal Society Report (2009) that compares key features of additional geo-engineering methods. Questions are provided to interpret the chart.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0840.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0840g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 840
12 Guess Who: When it comes to climate action, how do you define ambitious? Four Worlds (4W) gcp-set governance, climate change, environment contemporary United States, India, Germany
Summary: Students try to determine which countries are behind "ambitious" climate policies described in excerpts from two articles. Includes 4W analysis of factors that would cause countries to be ambitious. Support includes a world map with member lists of a few relevant international organizations. Step 2 focuses on the US using the "space race analogy" as a point of comparison to define ambitious climate action.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0856.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0856g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 856
13 Ice on Fire: Brake While Putting in Reverse n/a Planning - Case Teaching gcp-set climate change, carbon capture, carbon sequestration, drawdown contemporary global
Summary: Guide for follow-up to Ice on Fire, a 2019 documentary focused on solutions that are available to REVERSE climate change. Guide is an outline of the film with time stamps to facilitate review of issues and solutions, suggesting that students pick one to go deeper and pursue action. The film presents first-hand accounts by scientists and engineers who have projects and technologies in place for carbon capture. Includes explanations of the carbon cycle, carbon budget, and the potential for a cataclysmic methane release. Clarifies the need for scaling solutions at a faster rate that must be lead by government action. The producer and narrator is Leonardo DiCaprio.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0960g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 960
14 NPR: Cheap Chinese Panels Spark Solar Power Trade War Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set political economy, free trade, climate change contemporary China, United States
Summary: Discusses impact of cheap solar panels in America's solar industry. Case raises issues of fair trade (subsidies, dumping & tariffs), jobs, energy independence. Case questions include ties to economic recovery and President Obama's 3rd State of the Union address. -- Case option for HSLC 2012: American Renaissance: What is the way forward?
Source: NPR copyright 2012. Christopher Joyce, 01-19-2012. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2012. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Included in the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc.
Handout: 0647.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0647g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 647
15 NPR: Dutch Ruling On Climate Change That Could Have A Global Impact Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, functions of goverment, climate change, human rights, international law contemporary Netherlands, European Union
Summary: The Dutch court decision: "No court in the world has ever directly ordered a government to cut carbon emissions" which sets a legal precedent that "people can now address their governments on ...what is actually necessary according to science." Case questions include review of two passages: legal notes that extend liability to European states and the Urgenda victory announcement.
Source: NPR copyright 2015. Ari Shapiro, 06-25-2015. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0827.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0827g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 827
16 NPR: Gas Flaring Disrupts Life in Oil-Producing Niger Delta Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, climate change, global warming, health, paradox of plenty contemporary Nigeria
Summary: Thesis: Nigeria?s gas flares cause serious, numerous problems for local communities and produce greenhouse gasses instead of being used to produce energy. Included in the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Source: NPR copyright 2007. Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, 07-24-2007. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2007. Launched with NPR permission as pilot materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only.
Handout: 0326.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0326g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 326
17 NPR: New Texas Law Makes Local Fracking Bans Illegal Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set, Paris trio environment, development, property rights contemporary United States
Summary: Focus: A new state law largely strips cities and towns of the power to impose limits... it was necessary to protect the oil and gas industry from, quote, "the heavy hand of local regulation." Includes a detailed comparison with a Brazilan rainforest case on issues of compensation and property rights, land use, public health, and other negotiations regarding climate change.
Source: NPR copyright 2015. Wade Goodwyn, 05-20-2015. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc.
Handout: 0844.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0844g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 844
18 NPR: Obama Aims To Tighten Restrictions On Plants' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, governance, corporate influence contemporary United States
Summary: Focuses on resistance from the coal industry to "tough new restrictions" for GHG emissions. Case questions include a comparison of the military industrial complex described in "Why We Fight" to a "carbon-combustion complex" described by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway in The Collapse of Western Civilization: a view from the future.
Source: NPR copyright 2015. Jeff Brady, 08-03-2015. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0826.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0826g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 826
19 NPR: Rich Nations Should Pay To Preserve Rainforest, Brazilian Politician Says Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set, Paris trio environmnent, development, property rights contemporary Brazil, Latin America
Summary: Focus: "He says if the Amazon is the lungs of the world, [the rich are] going to have to pay us to breathe. And this is one of the central sticking points in the upcoming Paris talks. nations need to foot the bill for poorer ones to save what remains." Includes a detailed comparison with a Texas fracking case on issues of compensation and property rights, land use, public health, and other negotiations regarding climate change.
Source: NPR copyright 2015. Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, 11-10-2015. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc.
Handout: 0845.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0845g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 845
20 NPR: Rising Sea Levels Threaten Egypt's Ancient Cities Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set environment, governance, climate change, sea level rise contemporary Egypt
Summary: Impact on farming when "salty water from the rising Mediterranean pushes into the fertile Nile Delta and contaminates the groundwater used to irrigate crops."
Source: NPR copyright 2008. Liane Hansen, 04-20-2008. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2015. Launched with NPR permission as support materials for the High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. Developed with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0832.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0832g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 832
21 NYT: A Conservative Case for Climate Action Concept Map Case Reading - News & Editorials gcp-set climate change, environment contemporary United States
Summary: Proposal for a gradually increasing carbon tax with dividends distributed equally to Americans (fee and dividend), and with rebates & fees for imports & exports to adjust for other countries' carbon pricing. Offered as an "opportunity to show the full power of the conservative canon, and its core principles of free markets, limited government and stewardship."
Source: New York Times, 02-08-2017. USC CALIS case-customized article for classroom use only.
Handout: 0904.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0904g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 904
22 Our Carbon Budget: How fast will we exceed the limit? n/a Think-Pair-Share gcp-set, Paris trio environment, climate change, development, global governance contemporary global, multiple countries specified
Summary: Activity provides country data for students to determine what GHG reduction targets are fair and reasonable. A 3-minute video (produced by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the Guardian) illustrates historic emissions and the global carbon budget. The video establishes the context/challenge of how national pledges to reduce emissions must each be ambitious because it is their total impact than matters. The national pledges/targets for COP21, the global negotiations in Paris, are not enough. The video illustrates how quickly we will use the remainder of our carbon budget according to two different pledge scenarios. The examination of data is followed by options for taking action. Includes notes by Jon Lawhead, USC Postdoc Scholar, on the importance of rate. Slowing down the rate at which we are going to use up our carbon budget will help alleviate even greater impacts of climate change.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0843.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0843g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 843
23 Role of Political Culture: Policy Creativity & Climate Change Continuum - Policy Options Think-Pair-Share gcp-set environment, governance, climate change, belief systems contemporary Netherlands, United Kingdom
Summary: A continuum that frames the question: How creatively do governments use their policy tools? How do policy options reflect political culture? Includes a quick "application exercise" to place policy options for plastic bags on the continuum followed by examples across several countries that students also place on the continuum. Guide presents a sample of policy options for global warming or climate change.
Source: USC CALIS. Developed from lectures by Professor Steven Lamy, USC School of International Relations, 2005. Examples for climate change developed by USC Research Assistant, Anbar Aizenman, Economics, Class of 2018, with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: .doc  | 0833.docx  | 0833.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0833g.docx  | 0833g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 833
24 Save Tuvalu, Save the World: Will Paris Rescue Us? Four Worlds (4W) Case Reading - Primary Sources gcp-set environment, governance, climate change, sea level rise contemporary Tuvalu
Summary: Speech by the Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Enele Sosene Sopoaga, at the 20th Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Lima, Peru, December 2014. Case questions include a 4W analysis.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc. Developed by Anbar Aizenman, Economics, Class of 2018, USC
Handout: 0831.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0831g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 831
25 SNAPSHOT: Climate Change Policy Outline Concept Map Think-Pair-Share gcp-set environment, sustainability, climate change, campaign promises contemporary United States
Summary: A single page chart outlines six policy areas related to climate change to compare California with the new Trump Administration. Background is provided on changes to the White House web site and on California legislation (AB 32).
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0882.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0882g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 882
26 Snapshot: US Presidential Candidates' Policy Positions on Climate Change Concept Map Think-Pair-Share gcp-set governance, climate change, elections, candidates, campaign issues contemporary United States
Summary: Comparison chart with climate action broken down into multiple policy areas with specific options. For Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, students first indicate what they know about candidate positions. Then students refer to side-by-side comparisons provided by the Council on Foreign Relations to outline the specifics of candidates' proposals.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC - gcp@sc
Handout: 0847.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0847g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 847
27 What Do We Know: What is the role of scientific knowledge? Four Worlds (4W) Other Formats gcp-set climate change, role of science, role of media contemporary global
Summary: Analytical exercise draws from sources across a 10-year period, 2005-2015: Discover Magazine, Merchants of Doubt (Oreskes & Conway), Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, and the Oslo Principles. The objective is to help students to decide what the role of science should be in shaping policies on climate change. Includes a 4W analysis of how climate change is challenging the status quo and also challenging our "depth of understanding". The powerpoint directly supports the selected passages, extends concepts, and sequences integration of other exercises on this database. The ppt also animates the 4W dynamics of a quote from Nicholas Stern's TED Talk. Includes themes of truth and role of the media that integrate George Orwell's 1984 with government for ELA-HSS collaboration.
Source: USC CALIS with support from the Global Climate Project @SC -- gcp@sc
Handout: 0825.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0825g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: evidence_and_the_role_of_science.pptx
ID: 825