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# Title Analytical Tools Format Tags Topics Historical Period Location
1 -Four Worlds (4W): Social Science Factors Four Worlds (4W) Standard Reference 4w intro, 4w-factors, #BuildingContext concepts in context, managing complexity, comparative study across time across space
Summary: Social science factors are the heart of the 4W analytical model. These handouts are the necessary reference sheets. The first is "the factor sheet" for the Four Worlds -- political, economic, social, cultural -- with geography and technology that affect all Four Worlds. Other reference sheets illustrate dimensions of a 4W analysis. Includes the 4W frame -- the basic template for a 4W analysis to identify which factors are in-play and how they are related. The powerpoint supports teachers' introduction to the process and is intended to follow viewing the 5-min video: Four Worlds (4W): Overview & Invitation. (PPT provides link to video)
Handout: .doc  | 0412.docx  | 0412.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0412g.docx  | 0412g.pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_follow-up_after_video.pptx
ID: 412
2 -Inference Example - Sumer: Enduring Dynamic #1 Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4w intro, 4wh-6 division of labor, specialization, class, status ancient history Mesopotamia, Sumer, Iraq, Middle East
Summary: A single quote is used for a step-by-step illustration of the process AND purpose of "factoring" when reading. Sumer is the first ancient society that students study in California history standards (6.2a). With the birth of civilization comes several important examples of "enduring dynamics" of the human condition. The quote is used to "identify factors and trace dynamics" between jobs and social structures of class and status.
Handout: .doc  | 0855.docx  | 0855.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0855g.docx  | 0855g.pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_InferenceEx_EnduringDynamic1_jobs&class.pptx
ID: 855
3 -Inference Example - Sumer: Enduring Dynamic #2 Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4w intro, 4wh-6 divine right, beliefs, type of government, legitimate authority ancient history Mesopotamia, Sumer, Iraq, Middle East
Summary: A single quote is used for a step-by-step illustration of the process AND purpose of "factoring" when reading. Sumer is the first ancient society that students study in California history standards (6.2a). With the birth of civilization come several important examples of "enduring dynamics" of the human condition. The quote is used to "identify factors and trace dynamics" between beliefs and types of government: When the belief in divine right was challenged by Enlightenment ideas of natural rights, then people challenged their kings; from monarchy to democracy.
Handout: .doc  | 0867.docx  | 0867.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0867g.docx  | 0867g.pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_InferenceEx_EnduringDynamic2_beliefs&govt.pptx
ID: 867
4 0.0 Lifeline Powerpoint Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint lifeline-set, #timelineEX, 4W intro, #BuildingContext historical context, timelines, cause & effect, past-present-personal connections, future shock contemporary (1930 to present) and future (2020 to 2125) United States, global
Summary: Created to complement the series of customized timelines for students by grade level, 6 to 12. This interactive presentation focuses on selecting points of reference to build historical context. Slides provide timelines that correspond to Lifeline custom handouts, including future projections for their lifetime and a parent interview. PPT includes an example of how events are related using the 1969 Moon Walk as part of the Cold War, and illustrates dynamics between 4W factors. To find specific grade levels, use the search tag: lifeline-set
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: lifeline_6-12.pptx
ID: 928
5 Four Worlds of Me Four Worlds (4W) Other Formats 4W intro, 4wh-students personal connections, rubrics for clear criteria and self-assessment contemporary United States, global
Summary: After being introduced to Four Worlds of "social science factors", students had a homework assignment to explain how they live in and are affected by factors in Four Worlds. The assignment criteria (checklist) and rubric are included. The guide file has four samples of student work of 4W of Me.
Source: USC CALIS 4WH development team: Olivia Naturman, Social Science Teacher, Hesby Oaks School, LAUSD. First piloted in 7th grade World History, Sept 2010
Handout: .doc  | 0636.docx  | 0636.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0636g.docx  | 0636g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 636
6 Four Worlds of SpongeBob Four Worlds (4W) Think-Pair-Share 4w intro, 4wh-students culture, politics, economics, social world contemporary n/a
Summary: Introductory activity for "social science factors" in Four Worlds. Main Idea: Every society -- whether past or present, real or fiction -- takes place in Four Worlds. The steps outlined in the guide are recommended as basic steps for introducing the factors. The guide includes samples of student work --the student responses given when the teacher first explored the 4W of SpongeBob by asking: What are the Four Worlds of Bikini Bottom? The ppt is a different approach using a limited list of factors that students match with images of scenes from various SpongeBob episodes.
Source: USC CALIS 4W development team: Olivia Naturman, Social Science Teacher, Hesby Oaks School, LAUSD. First piloted in 7th grade World History, Sept 2010
Handout: .doc  | 0637.docx  | 0637.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0637g.docx  | 0637g.pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_SpongeBob.pptx
ID: 637
7 Four Worlds of Stability: Factoring is Analyzing Four Worlds (4W) Think-Pair-Share 4w intro, 4w-factors, 4ir, gvnc-basic nation building, failed states, fragile states contemporary global
Summary: 4W of stability -a ranking exercise to examine factors that create and maintain stability in society. Uses a jigsaw where World Leader groups first rank five factors for their assigned world. Then leaders form 4W teams to select and rank five factors across Four Worlds. Part 2 applies the factors to destabilizing events in the news. Part 3 clarifies the purpose of social science factors: identify and relate factors, determine cause & effect, or make a claim about the most important factor --all are skills in "the science of the social sciences". Provides illustration of "the math analogy" --How factoring in math is a similar process to factoring in social science. Closes with an overview of factors in 4W of globalization.
Handout: .doc  | 0556.docx  | 0556.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_factoring_stability.pptx
ID: 556
8 Four Worlds of Water: Past to Present Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4W of water, 4w intro, 4wh-6, 6.2a, placard access to water, development, impact of technology ancient history to contemporary Mesopotamia, Sumer, Los Angeles, California
Summary: This powerpoint complements 4W materials on Sumer that trace the impact of technology to create the agricultural revolution and birth of civilization. The 4W of water is often used as an introduction to the social science factors and 4W analytical frame. Slides illustrate dynamics from past to present to support students exploration of continuity and change from ancient to modern times. Includes lack of access to safe drinking water in developing countries. ***Recommended for all students (all grades), especially if already working with 4W analysis for other issues.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_Water_Past-to-Present-Ex_Sumer.pptx
ID: 931
9 Four Worlds Primer 1: Political Factors Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4W intro, 4W primers social science factors across time across cultures
Summary: A 3-part interactive PPT to introduce political factors. Piloted in 2022-23 by partner teachers, grades 5-8. Handout corresponds to writing exercise for Part 1.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | 1002.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_primer_political_factors.pptx
ID: 1002
10 Four Worlds Primer 2: Economic Factors Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4W intro, 4W primers social science factors across time across cultures
Summary: An interactive PPT to introduce economic factors. Piloted in 2022-23 by partner teachers, grades 5-8.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_primer_economic_factors.pptx
ID: 1003
11 Four Worlds Primer 3: Cultural Factors Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4W intro, 4W primers social science factors across time across cultures
Summary: An interactive PPT to introduce cultural factors. Piloted in 2022-23 by partner teachers, grades 5-8.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_primer_cultural_factors.pptx
ID: 1004
12 Four Worlds Primer 4: Social Factors Four Worlds (4W) PowerPoint 4W intro, 4W primers social science factors across time across cultures
Summary: An interactive PPT to introduce social factors. Piloted in 2022-23 by partner teachers, grades 5-8.
Handout: .doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: .doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_primer_social_factors.pptx
ID: 1005
13 Meta Moment: Learning as Factoring Four Worlds (4W) Assessment 4w intro self-assessment, critical thinking skills n/a n/a
Summary: 4W Meta-Qs -- Meta questions for students to 'think about their thinking' and how they are using 4W to learn: comparison & contrast, continuity & change, significance & relevance, how to elaborate details, etc. Includes an example of a student response that demonstrates the purpose of 4W: by specifying factors and dynamics throughout their studies, students can relate information to more naturally see and understand significance, connections, etc.
Handout: .doc  | 0398.docx  | 0398.pdf  
Guide: .doc  |0398g.docx  | 0398g.pdf  
PowerPoint: .pptx
ID: 398
14 Middle School caught in Shark Tank? Four Worlds (4W) Think-Pair-Share glo-dev, 4w intro entrepreneurship, access to credit, investment contemporary United States, global
Summary: Students use 4W factors to explain the TV show Shark Tank. Introduces economic factors regarding entrepreneurship, finance, loans, investors, etc. to examine the role of credit. Specifically connects "access to credit" with opportunity as factors related to the American Dream. Intended as a first layer to then add a 4W analysis of "Kiva: Loans that change lives" as part of a series on access to credit as a human right.
Source: USC CALIS. Developed in partnership with Hawthorne School District
Handout: 0094.doc  | .docx  | .pdf  
Guide: 0094g.doc  |.docx  | .pdf  
PowerPoint: 4W_Shark_Tank.pptx
ID: 94