Middle School caught in Shark Tank?
- Analytical Tool: Four Worlds (4W)
- Format: Think-Pair-Share
- Topics: entrepreneurship, access to credit, investment
- Historical Period: contemporary
- Location: United States, global
- Summary: Students use 4W factors to explain the TV show Shark Tank. Introduces economic factors regarding entrepreneurship, finance, loans, investors, etc. to examine the role of credit. Specifically connects "access to credit" with opportunity as factors related to the American Dream. Intended as a first layer to then add a 4W analysis of "Kiva: Loans that change lives" as part of a series on access to credit as a human right.
- Tags: glo-dev, 4w intro
- Source: USC CALIS. Developed in partnership with Hawthorne School District
- Handout: 0094.doc
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| .pdf
Guide: 0094g.doc
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PowerPoint: 4W_Shark_Tank.pptx
- ID: 94