Kiva: Loans that change lives
- Analytical Tool: Four Worlds (4W)
- Format: Think-Pair-Share
- Topics: development, access to credit, micro-finance
- Historical Period: contemporary
- Location: global
- Summary: A brief Kiva video (1:30) and transcript provide a 4W exercise. PPT has 3 dimensions. Part 1 identifies factors in the economic and social worlds to explain how Kiva is a way to "rethink charity". Part 2 connects elements of the Kiva site to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and asks how Kiva lenders/investors are addressing development through a new role for civil society. Part 3 connects market conditions needed for social well-being; access to credit as a human right; 4W of globalization with increased influence of NGOs. Supports related topics: 4W factors of mobility and the means to prosper that are part of the American Dream.
- Tags: 4ir, glo-dev
- Source: USC CALIS
- Handout: 0067.doc
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| .pdf
Guide: 0067g.doc
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| .pdf
PowerPoint: 4W_Kiva.pptx
- ID: 67