APM: Get rid of U.S. farm subsidies
- Analytical Tool: Four Worlds (4W)
- Format: Case Reading - News & Editorials
- Topics: political economy, development, human rights, role of government, election politics
- Historical Period: contemporary
- Location: United States, Africa
- Summary: Thesis: "You want to fight global poverty, illegal immigration, and budget deficits, while giving American consumers a lift? Well, there isn't a simpler first step than to end farm subsidies and tariffs." Specifically mentions cotton subsidies' impact on Africa. Key issues: protectionism, rent seeking, global impact of domestic interests, interdependence of trade & development. Includes a 4W analysis. (Part of HSLC 2009: Capitalism Reconsidered)
- Tags: glo-trade, glo-dev, 4ir
- Source: American Public Media, Marketplace, copyright 2007. Scott Jagow, host, with commentary by Robert Reich. Customized transcript by USC CALIS, 2009, for the USC High School Case Teaching Initiative. Downloads are for educational use only. APM hosts the transcript and listen link at http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2007/10/10/get_rid_of_us_farm_subsidies/
- Handout: .doc
| 0423.docx
| 0423.pdf
Guide: .doc
| 0423g.docx
| 0423g.pdf
PowerPoint: .pptx
- ID: 423