Comparing Measures of Success: the Democracy Index and Gini Index
- Analytical Tool:
- Format:
- Topics: development, democratization, equity, statistics, variables, redistribution
- Historical Period: New Millennium (2000-present)
- Location: United States
- Summary: Graphing exercise on the relationship between level of democracy and distribution of income where students 1) describe the graph by making statements to specify what each of the four quadrants signifies, 2) explain the different relationships that would be indicated by a cluster, perfect slope, etc., 3) predict trends or a correlation, 4) interpret results of a plotted sample of 30 countries to examine their predictions and clarify actual relationships. Students should discuss other variables at play that could explain countries' relative positions on the graph, their status and conditions.
- Tags:
- Source: USC CALIS. Initially created for HSLC 2008. For related materials, search: comparing measures, glo-dev, applied-math
- Handout: 0366.doc
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| .pdf
Guide: 0366g.doc
| .docx
| .pdf
PowerPoint: .pptx
- ID: 366